Half of my life is spent at 59 degrees North latitude on the shores of Alaska's Kachemak Bay. The other half is spent at 70 degrees North latitude on the Central Beaufort Sea Coast. Lots happens in between, too, in this land known as The Last Frontier.

23 April 2011

Denali Winter

Heading South Towards Fang Mountain on the Frozen Savage

Camp at the Confluenece of Jenny Creek and the Savage River
Just because I felt like it, here are two more photos from the 2010 winter trip into Denali. Now that I am certain to go back again on another attempt in 2012 I have begun reminiscing and pre-planning. I am hoping that health, weather, and the planets all collide in our favor next year. Last year was way too warm, this March was way too cold--nighttime lows were regularly in the -30F range--and I hope next year is just right, with lots of snow base.

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