Half of my life is spent at 59 degrees North latitude on the shores of Alaska's Kachemak Bay. The other half is spent at 70 degrees North latitude on the Central Beaufort Sea Coast. Lots happens in between, too, in this land known as The Last Frontier.

17 July 2011

Stacking Pizza in the Rain

What could be more enjoyable on your las night home before two weeks in the arctic than standing outside in the rain baking pizza in dutch ovens? Nothing, thats what.

Here you can see the actual stacking method utilizing charcaol briquets for heat.  The bottom oven is a 12" dutch, so I use the +4 -4 method. I put 8 briquets under and 16 on top. The top oven is an 8", so I just threw 12 on top of it. The heat was good, the pizza was awesome. The rain? Oh well....

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