Half of my life is spent at 59 degrees North latitude on the shores of Alaska's Kachemak Bay. The other half is spent at 70 degrees North latitude on the Central Beaufort Sea Coast. Lots happens in between, too, in this land known as The Last Frontier.

20 March 2010

Pressure Ridges and Open Water

The Savage River had lots of open, deep leads in it. The water itself wasn't necessarily deep in all spots, though there were some dark holes, but the dropoff into these holes was impressive. i imagine that the ice freezes on top of the river and then pressure builds up, breaks out and overflows onto it. This probably happens hundreds of times during the winter, with lower layers breaking off into the river until the river ice is literally suspended above the flowing water in many places. As I said, the water is quite shallow in places, but falling into one of these holes or breaking through the ice could be a devastating experience. I am naturally cautious on ice, and these rivers were no exception; they are dangerous places if you are careless. They are also quite beautiful.

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