Half of my life is spent at 59 degrees North latitude on the shores of Alaska's Kachemak Bay. The other half is spent at 70 degrees North latitude on the Central Beaufort Sea Coast. Lots happens in between, too, in this land known as The Last Frontier.

29 January 2010

The Route--Click on the map for an enlarged version

Our route will begin at Denali Park Headquarters, where Park Rangers start their dog team patrols at the Kennels. We will climb above treeline on the Hines Creek drainage, which will deliver us onto a low mountain pass and Jenny Creek. From here we will cross the Savage, Sanctuary, and Teklanika Rivers , encountering sparsely forested areas on an otherwise exposed stretch of taiga. Passing Igloo and Cathedral Mountains, we will ascend Sable Pass and then drop down to the East Fork of the Toklat River. A large board valley will allow us to avoid climbing the potentially treacherous Polychrome Pass and will deliver us to the Toklat River. Proceeding west, we will encounter boxed mountainous regions as we climb Highway Pass, Stony Hill Overlook, and Thorofare Pass on our way to Eielson. Panoramic views of Denali and the Alaska Range will be our constant companion as we continue west above the Muldrow Glacier and McKinley Bar on our way to Wonder Lake. From here we will head north to Kantishna and our pre-arranged bushplane extraction. If time and weather allow, a potential side trip will be Bear Draw on the Toklat River. Clicking on this map should bring you to an enlarged version.

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